Death gif machine
Death gif machine

The Death Machine's recoil per shot is very soft, with recoil values of 40 in all directions. This reticle is absent in Hardcore game types, so users will have to get a feel for where their exact point of aim is. The user has a unique aiming reticle that indicates the user's point of aim. There are no iron sights to speak of, as aiming the Death Machine will simply spool up the gun. The Death Machine is extremely quick to kill opponents as a result. The Death Machine combines excellent damage per bullet and infinite range with a fantastic rate of fire. Only certain SMGs using Rapid Fire can surpass this standalone rate of fire. The Death Machine's rate of fire is extremely high, at 1200 RPM. So long as the Death Machine deals over fifty damage per bullet through a surface, the Death Machine can get a two hit kill through some surfaces. In combination with the ludicrously high damage per bullet, the Death Machine can potentially get two hit kills through some walls. The Death Machine also has high penetration power. This damage per bullet is incredible and one of the Death Machine's many strengths. A headshot will instantly kill an opponent at any range. The Death Machine will deal eighty damage per bullet at all ranges, netting a two hit kill. The Death Machine is an extremely high damage per bullet weapon. The Death Machine will also instantly be lost if the user switches to another weapon or killstreak while the Death Machine is active. This is in stark contrast to how the Death Machine and War Machine work in Black Ops 2 Multiplayer.

death gif machine

Dying with the Death Machine while active will cause the Death Machine to be lost, as the Death Machine will not be carried over after the user respawns, even if there was ammo left in the Death Machine upon death. When the Death Machine is active, the announcer for both teams will announce the Death Machine's presence and show the playercard of the Death Machine user. It will only become active upon firing the first shot. The Death Machine, similarly to the Grim Reaper, can only be obtained in a Care Package and is kept in the player's inventory for as long as the match lasts. Unlike its multiplayer counterpart, it occupies a normal weapon slot. The Death Machine has a maximum capacity of 999 rounds, so the player is unlikely to run out of ammo however it can overheat, being able to fire a maximum of 134 rounds (6.7 seconds of fire) before overheating. It is very effective at killing Riot Guards, requiring minimal body shots. The Death Machine is obtainable in the mission "Vorkuta", where the player uses it to "Wield a Fist of Iron", "Raise Hell" and fight through the Soviet prison guards trying to prevent their escape.

Death gif machine