- Expandrive 5 add new drive update#
- Expandrive 5 add new drive full#
- Expandrive 5 add new drive software#
Expandrive 5 add new drive software#
Via the official Google Drive software I connect to more than one Google Drive. Now I think I might have found the cause: I can also reproduce the problem by adding the files by using "import from files and folders". And this happens even after reinstalling Organizer, and I was able to reproduce exactly the same problem on my computer at home with a similar configuration. In my case, the drive letter changed from "I" to "J", so Adobe searches the file on "J" but it was imported from "I". I see all those thumbs, can work with tags inside the catalog but: all files cannot be found anymore because the location path in Adobe Organizer changed. Now, after restarting Organizer the following happens: I can work with the files, open them, add tags and so on. The import itself seems to be okay, the video files are imported and thumb pictures are generated.

Therefore I added Google Drive to "watched folders". I try to import files that are stored on Google Drive via bulk import (as explained here). Program: Adobe Elements 2022 Organizer (v 20.0) The drive letter is changed after import (here from "I" to "J").
Expandrive 5 add new drive full#
These things sound great in a room full of IT people, but they demonstrate a very serious lack of understanding of the common user and the organizations that are trying to use the products.I've got a problem to successfully import files stored on Google Drive to Adobe Elements 2022 Organizer as, after import, the location path of the files is wrong. Releasing products that have the amazing potential to drive customers to Box, but then putting dumb limitations on these reminds me of the early days of Microsoft when the idea was that the user could just click Control-Alt-E-F7 or some 4 key combination to do a task. What is needed from Box is a focus on providing tools for organizations that are not small startups. This does not allow you to move the Box Drive and it can be very confusing for end users (almost as confusing as asking them to create/edit their linked spreadsheets using %userprofile% instead of clicking through folders as they are use to doing. You can, however, use the Microsoft mklink to create a symbolic link to the location needed anywhere on the system. This does not work as Excel will change %userprofile% to the actual location on the machine and the link will not work for another user. I did not test with another user so some additional validation needs to be done to see if this works in a multi-user setting.
Expandrive 5 add new drive update#
Skip the update and use the "Data/Edit Links/Update Values" path then point to the source file in your Box Drive path and it will update the values in the cells. Note: When you open the destination file it will complain about being able to find the linked file. The updates I did in the source were reflected in the destination file. Then in the destination file updated the cell values by going to "Data/Edit Links/Update Values".

In testing I updated and saved the source file, in this case testlink2.xlsx. Making the change to all links can be done using search and replace. Replacing the "Users\username" with "%userprofile%" (i.e. 'C:\%userprofile%\Box\folder\Sheet1'!$B$4) should make the link user agnostic. When you create a link to another excel file in Box drive you end up with a link like 'C:\Users\username\Box\folder\Sheet1'!$B$4. I don't know that this is practical on a large scale since it requires some additional steps, but it does seem to work in the limited testing I did. Now, I did some fiddling with links in Excel. To have persistent link in Excel that everyone can use is possible using Box Sync as described in this article. At some point Box may allow changing the location of the Box Drive folder, but for now that is not possible.